2011 Page 5
lacroix pillow red blind river 24x12x3and 6 on 28x18x4 grey base
lafountaine marker elliot lake 18x12x4 with shaped heart black
landriault marker walford 24x12x4 black
langdon 20x24x6 p2 black sunset cemetery iron bridge
larochelle spanish 30x24x6 p5 etched black with slope grey base monument more on one side for vase
leach walford marker 24x12x4 britz
lees replace base with grey 36x12and 14 x 8 thick slope walford
linley 36x24x6 with carving black p2 with slope match base carlyle iron bridge
lortie chapleau 24x30x6 p2 black
luoma marker thessalon pine groove 17x10x4 cats eye
maclean thesalon
maclellan marker spruce groove iron bridge marker 17x10x4 grey
Elliot Lake Monuments | local 1-705-849-9060 Toll free 1-800-667-3807 | e.l.monuments@gmail.com