2011 Page 4
guerin pillow open book black p5 30x12x5and 8 on a slope grey base
gulley 2 markers for ss marie mountain rose 16x12x4 for both
hall in gordon cemetery gore bay 30x24x6 p2 black with etching
hilderley marker ss marie 17x10x4 india britz
johnson algoma mills hickey britz p5 24x12x3and 6
joncas pillow black spanish 24x14x4and 6 p1 on 4 inch granite base
kellner elliot lake corners
kellner marker elliot lake black 36x24 with etching
king niche door blind river
knapp blind river 30x24x6 p5 black on a 36 inch grey slope base
krenz marker elliot lake black 36x24x4
lacasse 17x10x4 marker blind river bahama blue
Elliot Lake Monuments | local 1-705-849-9060 Toll free 1-800-667-3807 | e.l.monuments@gmail.com